Saturday, February 16, 2013

I love Contests & Happy Valentine's Day (a little late)

This week was a really excited week for me.  I had entered into a LOT of contests.  I feel like I win a lot of contests, but that is merely because if there is a contest that I am remotely interested in winning.  There are tons that I don't win.  I had two contests ending on Monday, one was a choice between a couple bikes or wheels, a retail value of approximately $2500, and only had about 100 entrants.  Ryan and I each had a ticket.  The other was from Renewal by Andersen, and was for two race entries into the Kona Running Co triple crown in MI.  This one would be tougher for me to use, but I had a friend who was also entered, and figured I would give it to her if I won.  Additionally, I found a contest from Run with Jess, for fit couples.  I didn't win this one either, but she made up a darling card:

Also, I found this card in the box that Soren selected from Target to give out to his classmates.  It was from the Thor valentines, which contained 4 different Avengers. 

And finally, I had applied for a sponsorship with SOAS, and didn't get it.  I really wanted it.  I knew I wasn't up to the same level as the ladies they sponsored last year, but they were also a pretty small company, so I wasn't sure how many people would actually apply.  The application was extremely time consuming too, so I really felt like I had a decent shot.  I spent the majority of yesterday facebook and twitter stalking them.  I finally learned around noon EST that they would post the team at 2pm PST.  5pm EST, right?  Well, I spent from 5pm-6:05pm EST refreshing their fb page.  The post didn't show up until 6:03 EST, and I wasn't on it.  I was bummed, to say the least, but not overly shocked.  I don't have one of their kits, which I am sure hurt my chances, in addition to the fact that I am not nearly as talented as the other ladies they picked. There is always my birthday.  This is the kit I want:

On another note, I finally had a really successful difficult tempo run.  These had been driving me nuts lately.  They were all at paces that I have been able to race at distances longer than what I was supposed to be doing for my tempos, but I have only really nailed one of them.  Until today, and I did a hard one on the treadmill.  I just set that sucker at goal pace and just did it.  It was hard, but I didn't puke or fall off, so it was all good.  I am sure it helped that there wasn't any wind or hills too.  How do you do your tempo runs?


Unknown said...

That is an adorable card Jess made for you and your husband!

I'm sorry you didn't win everything. (You're still quite speedy, you know!)

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Good for you on making that tempo run! I agree, sometimes it is hard, but it does feel so good to nail it!
And sorry you didn't get the sponsorship- you would have rocked it!
Finally, very cute card!