Sunday, October 2, 2011

Shoe Crisis!

This weekend wasn't terribly exciting.  I am tapering, so I got all my workouts in this week.  The bad thing is that now that I sent my test shoes back, I am hating my mizunos.  Ugh.  This happened after I sent my test shoes back earlier this year, but those still had some wear in them when I returned them.  This time around, my test shoes were pretty much toast, and left my feet aching from needing more support.  My mizunos were on their way out a while ago.  I used them pretty much all year (bad me!), but I had a couple pairs of test shoes thrown in there, as well as had some lighter months.  I was hoping to cash in my voucher I won for some new shoes in Columbus, but I never made it there.  Plus, they don't sell mizunos.  On Friday, my feet ached when I woke up.  The sort of ache from running in old shoes.  My Saturday run was completed in my first Reebok test shoes, which I don't love.  I did do a ton of miles on them, so it wasn't horrible, but not as good as brand new shoes.  I also go a blister.  Ugh.  I went to a local running store and tried on a size 7 Wave Creation.  It was too big (even though my 6.5s seem too small, but I think I shrunk them from sitting wet in a hot car too many times).  I went home, and started making calls.  I tried everywhere within reasonable driving distance, and no luck.  Road Runner Sports had them, but they would need to be shipped.  I made a call to my friend Chad at Running Fit Novi, and was bummed they didn't have them EITHER!  Seriously, talk about a hard to find shoe!  I ended up ordering them from RRS.  Hopefully they get here soon!  I have a two weeks until the Detroit Half Marathon, and want to get a few miles on them first.  I hate having new shoes this soon.  I did go ahead and sign up for the Louisville Sports Commision Half Marathon.  Hopefully that isn't a mistake given my aching feet.  I am really hoping the new shoes plus the taper get them fixed right up.  They ached like this towards the end of my last pair of running shoes, and new shoes cleared them right up!  So, the moral of the story is to make sure you have a good handle on the status of your running shoes so you can have the time needed to order them!  Bad ME!
(shoe photo courtesy of

Have a great week.  I will do another post once my new shoes arrive (or something else interesting happens).  Great job to everyone who raced this weekend.  Lots of people were at Deer Creek's tris, plus there was so MAJOR excitement at the Brooksie Way Half Marathon.  Congratulations are in order (you know who you are)!


Christy @ My Dirt Road Anthem: A Runner's Blog said...

I like those shoes! Hope you get them in time!

Big Daddy Diesel said...

You should look at the new Brooks Pure Flow

Bluegrass Tri Chick said...

I really like those shoes too. I know you already ordered them but did you try John's Run Walk shop in Lexington? Just another option. Not sure where your foot aches but when I am sitting at my desk I take my shoes off & roll a golf ball under my arch for about 15 minutes each foot. It seems to help. Good luck in your upcoming race!!!

Mandie said...

Hi, I came across your site and wasn’t able to get an email address to contact you about some broken links on your site. Please email me back and I would be happy to point them out to you.

Mandie Hayes

Richelle said...

I hope your shoes arrive soon! Enjoy your taper!